What is a function?
A function is a group of code statements designed to perform a task. such group is a subprogram, that will always perform that specific task.
This functions or subprograms need to be called/invoked in order to be executed. they can be called or invoked by either external and internal code.
Internal - in cases such as recursion External - within the code of the program where the function lives o it can be called from other programs, as long as the function library is included in the calling program,
A function may or may not pass values to its main function body. Just like a program a function is composed of a sequence of code statements called the function body
In Javascript functions always return a value. if no return value is specified, the function will return undefined.
Because functions can have methods and properties just like anyother object they are first-class objects. one difference from other objects is that functions can be invoked/called.
No passing values, No returning values
<!-- This function will print the word "Hello" -->
function sayHello() {
<!-- using Fat Arrow functions -->
sayHola = () => { console.log("Hello");
calling / invoking functions
Returns: "Hello"
Returns: "Hello"
Passing values
Let us pass a parameter. This is called a function's argument and it will
always be passed by VALUE . if this argument is changed by the function
it will not be reflected globaly, nor in the calling program or function.
An object reference is a value, but this an special case, because if a property
of that object is changed by the body of the function, this change will be reflected
<!-- name" is the parameter we are passing to the function -->
function sayHello(name) {
<!-- using Fat Arrow functions -->
sayHola = (name) => { console.log("Hello");
calling / invoking functions
Returns: "Hi Anita"
Returns: "Hi Rosita"
Returning values
A returning value can be of any datatype:
- number
- string
- boolean
- array
- record objects
An example of a function returning each of the listed above, follows.
returning: number
Calling sum(arg1, arg2)
# adds arg1 and arg2, it returns the sum
function sum(num1, num2) {
let total = num1 + num2;
return total;
let result = sum(20, 30);
console.log(`Result from adding 20 + 30 is ${result}`);
Returns: "Result from adding 20 + 30 is **50**"
Calling square(arg1)
** takes num to the power of 2, and returns the result**
square = (num) => num * num;
console.log(`20 squared is ${square(20)}`);
Returns: "20 squared is **400**"
returning: string
# concatenates firstName and lastName into one string,
# and returns the string
function fullName(firstName, lastName)
return lastName + ", " + lastName;
calling fullname(arg1, arg2)
fullName("Sergio", "Rueda");
Returns: "Rueda, Rueda"
returning: boolean
# Checks if the value received is a number, if a number it returns 'true
# otherwise returns 'false'
function isNumber(value)
return isNaN(value) ? false : true;
calling isNumber(arg1)
Returns: false
Returns: true
returning: array
# takes a string argument and converts it to an array, and then it returns
# the array.
function toArray(str)
let array = str.split('');
return array;
calling toArray(str)
let array1 = toArray("Sergio");
Returns: Array [ "S", "e", "r", "g", "i", "o"]
Convert an array to string
# Here join() takes an array as input and returns a string
let Array = [ "S", "e", "r", "g", "i", "o"];
let str = Array.join('');
Returns: "Sergio"
Returning: Record Object
# let us write a function that will only create a record object
# and return it.
function returnARecord()
let person = {
firstName: 'sergio',
lastName: 'Rueda',
address: '832 W. cuyler',
city: 'Chicago',
state: 'Illinois',
country: 'USA'
return (person);
calling returnARecord()
Object {
"address": "832 W. cuyler",
"city": "Chicago",
"country": "USA",
"firstName": "sergio",
"lastName": "Rueda",
"state": "Illinois",
let rec = returnARecord();
console.log('Full name: ' + rec.firstName + ', ' + rec.lastName);
console.log(rec.city + ', ' + rec.state + ' ' + rec.state);
"sergio , Rueda"
"832 W. cuyler"
"Chicago, Illinois Illinois"
Please see live examples
More Javascript function examples
- convert any number in base 10 to binary
- format a date to YYYYMMDD
- reverse a string (recursion example)
- display an html list with a list of values (dynamicaly)
- display an html table with a list of values (dynamicaly)
Thanks for taking the time to read this article.