Drag And Drop - Javascript
This article shows the use draggable property along with the events this property triggers when used.
draggable is a global attribute. It is an attribute that indicates whether an element can be dragged or not. It can only have either of these values: true or false.
- true Element can be dragged.
- false Element cannot be dragged.
<div draggable='true' id='dragger'>Dragging div</>
the following is incorrect
<div draggable id='dragger'>Dragging div</>
There are a few different ways to use this property along with its firing events. I chose to add events to my documents, that way whenever a draggable event occurs it will be handle by the program.
Events that fire on a draggable source
- ondragstart
This event only occurs when the user starts to drag any given element. - ondrag This event occurs while the element is being dragged.
- ondragend This event occurs when user finishes dragging the element.
Events that fire on a draggable target/drop
- ondragenter fires when element being dragged enters the target/drop area.
- ondragover fires when element being dragged is over the target/drop area.
- ondragleave fires when element being dragged leaves the target/drop area.
- ondrop fires when element being dragged is dropped on the target/drop area.
While dragging an element the ondrag fires every 350 milliseconds.
Draggable code follows:
/* Events fired on the drag target */
document.addEventListener("dragstart", function(event) {
event.dataTransfer.setData("Text", event.target.id);
/* this happens when we first start dragging an element. */
/* it only assigns the element id to 'Text' */
document.addEventListener("drag", function(event) {
let source = document.getElementById(event.target.id);
source.style.background = 'lightblue';
/* This happens while we are dragging the element */
/* we are only setting the background of the source */
/* Events fired on the drop target */
/* We do not want this event to do its default processing */
document.addEventListener("dragover", function(event) {
Finally we have have an event that handles most of the work logic for our purpose in this program
document.addEventListener("drop", function(event) {
var data = event.dataTransfer.getData("Text");
var el = document.getElementById(data);
if ( event.target.className == "target" ) {
if (event.target.textContent === el.textContent)
event.target.innerHTML = el.textContent;
el.style.background = 'red';
el.hidden = true;
event.target.style.color = 'white';
event.target.style.background = 'green';
if (correctAnswers === len)
let success = document.getElementById('successMessage');
success.style.display = 'block';
Please see live code below:
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